
CAREER LINK MEETUP 2024 -For international DCs and PDs-

Special Event – CAREER LINK MEETUP 2024 -For international DCs and PDs-

For International DCs and PDs
I-HoP will provide international doctoral students and postdocs with the special opportunity to meet with Japanese companies that are willing to hire international talent in ENGLISH.
In Japan, most companies require their applicants to have a high level of Japanese language proficiency.
To prepare for job hunting in Japan, the first recommendation is to improve your Japanese language communication skills.
However, some companies do not require Japanese skills during the application step.
I-HoP will invite some of those companies and provide you with the opportunity to meet and talk online with their representatives.
Do not miss this annual opportunity! We look forward to your application.

■ Date and time
December 12th (Thu.) 1:00pm-5:00pm (estimated)
*Detailed timetable will be announced to the participants.

■ Participating Companies (As of Oct.8)
-Horizon Illumination Lab Optics, Co. Ltd.
-Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc
-Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
-Letara Co., Ltd.
-ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
-Sanoh Industrial Co., Ltd.

■ Program
-Company Presentation
-Student Presentation (breakout room)
-Q&A at Company Exhibition Booth (breakout room)

■ Language

■ Place
Online (zoom)

■ Application
Complete both 2 steps as follows:
Step 1. Apply from Hi-System by Oct.25 (Fri.) 4:00pm
Step 2. Input the designated Googleform by Oct.28 (Mon.) noon

The URL for the Googleform will be sent by email to those who completed step 1.
In Googleform application, you will be required to provide the following information.
-General information (Name, affiliation, etc., )
-Preferred Date of Participation
-Your research overview and career plan (For those wishing to give presentations to companies Only) *
-English & Japanese language proficiency

* The following questions are required to answer within 200 word;
– the outline of your research including the explanation of how you intend to apply it to benefit society,
– experiments you carried/can carry out including machines you can operate,
– your career plan and how the CAREER LINK MEETUP may affect it.

The result of selection will be notified by Oct.30th.

■ Target and Eligible
Hokkaido University current international doctoral course students and postdocs (As of Oct and Dec. 2024) those who can communicate in English and will be able to meet the following preparation schedule:

-Oct. 25 (Fri.) 4:00pm :
Deadline for application through Hi-System (Application Step 1)

-Oct. 28 (Mon.) noon :
Deadline for Googleform input (Application Step 2)

-Oct. 30 (Wed.) :
Selection results notification

-Nov. 5 (Tue.) 15:00 :
Deadline for the drafts of “presentation slide” submission

-November 7 (Thursday) in the afternoon:
Presentation Exercise & Orientation (online)

-Nov.11 (Mon.) : Deadline for the revised presentation slide submission (Only who would like to be checked again)

-Nov. 18(Mon.) Deadline for the final version of the presentation slides submission

■ Maximum number of participants
*If there are a large number of applicants, a selection process will be conducted

■ How to apply from Hi-System
Click on the following banner, then click “Apply” on the bottom of the page.

*You need to be registered on Hi-System in advance.
If you are not, please go to Hi-System page in Front Office for Human Resource Education and Development homepage and register in Hi-System.
:For more details
*If there are a large number of applicants, a selection process will be conducted