Frequently asked questions about Hi-System are listed below, with answers :

 ◆ FAQs for researchers
 ◆ FAQs for companies
 ◆ Common FAQs  *Please refer to section 6 for password requirements.

FAQs for Researchers

 1. Are there eligibility requirements for registration in Hi-System?
  –> Any researcher described below is eligible to register in Hi-System:
   – Master’s and doctoral students (MC/DC), and postdoctoral researchers (PDs) at Hokkaido University
   – Graduates of Hokkaido University (however, those who have completed doctoral course less than
    5 years ago and are not working for a company)
   – DC, PD, and tenured assistant professors affiliated with partner universities of the COFRe project
  ◇ If you are not eligible for registration, please send your personal details
    (i.e., graduate school, major, supervisor and contact information)
    to Hi-System by clicking “Inquiries”, so that the Administration Bureau will be able to
    determine whether you’ll be allowed to register in the system.

 2. Are there restrictions on the use of the functions of Hi-System?
  –> The functions available to researchers vary depending on the university or program
    they are/were affiliated with.
    For details, please refer to “Hi-System” in the menu bar on the left.

  ◇ For example, the following functions are available to PhD students and postdoctoral
    researchers (PDs) at Hokkaido University.
    (1) PR sheet registration
    (2) Search and view promotional sheets of companies desiring PhD students / PDs
    (3) Search job postings or internship opportunities for PhD students / PDs
    (4) Search and view other various information/data provided by Hi-System
    (5) SNS feature that allows online communication between PhD students / PDs and companies
    (6) “My Page,” for efficient use of the above-mentioned features

 3. How can I modify my login name and other basic information that is registered?
  –> Please follow the following procedure:
    Log in to Hi-System. –>
   Click “_____Basic Information” in the upper right corner of the screen. –>
    Click “Modify”

 4. What is PR sheet? How does registering such a form benefit the researcher?
  –> PR sheet is a sort of job application form that’s used for publicizing your strengths
    as a researcher.
    By registering your PR sheet, you’ll be automatically included among the researchers
    accessible by companies registered in Hi-System.
    You might have the opportunity of an internship or employment.
    Please refer to an example of a completed form is shown on the page for
    “Create/Modify PR Sheet” if needed. 

 5. I’m not sure what to write on PR sheet. Please advise me.
  –> You can moodify your PR sheet any time,
    so you don’t have to register a form after filling in every part of the form.
    It is recommended that you start by registering the required items in the form.
    Please refer to an example of a completed form on the page for “Create/Modify PR Sheet”
    if needed. 

 6. I would like to change my registration information when I obtain a degree.
 (e.g.) If you are moving from MC2 to DC1, or from DC3 or DC4 to PD, etc.
  –> You need to re-register by following the steps below.
    Log in to Hi-System. –>
   Click “___Basic Information” in the upper right corner of the screen.
    –> Click “Re-register”

 7. Can I check the status of my event application?
  –> Yes. After logging into Hi-System, you can check either of the following procedures.
   1. Click “__Basic Information” in the upper right corner of the screen
    –> Check “Participated events”.
   2. Click “Registered Events” in the bottom of the screen –> Check “Event Status”

 8. How can I delete my Hi-System account?
  –> Please follow the steps below:
   1. Log in to Hi-System –> Click “__Basic Information” in the upper right corner of the screen
    –> Click “Delete”
   2. On the next screen, Please enter the reason to delete
    –> Click “Confirm” –> Click “Register”.

 9. My old email address is no longer working. I also forgot my password and cannot log in. 
  –> Please let us know at this e-mail address (hi-system@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp).

FAQs for Companies

 1. Are there eligibility requirements for registration in Hi-System?
  –> Companies wishing to hire students who have completed a doctoral course are eligible to register.

 2. Are there restrictions on the use of the features of Hi-System?
  –> No, corporate users can use all the features.

  ◇The following features are available to all registered companies:
    (1) Registration of a corporate information form
    (2) Search and view PR shees of PhD students / postdoctoral reserchers
      interested in R&D jobs
    (3) SNS feature that allows online communication between PhD students /
      postdoctoral researchers and companies
    (4) “My Page,” for efficient use of the above-mentioned features

 3. How can the registered corporate information be modified?
  –> Please follow the steps below:
    Log in to Hi-System. –>
    Click “ ___basic information” in the upper right corner of the screen. –>
    Click “Modify”

 4. What is PR Information Sheet? What are the benefits?
  –> The PR Information Sheet is designed to promote your company.
    By registering PR Information Sheet, it can be viewed by Hi-System registered researchers.
    We recommend that you register PR Information Sheet as it is an opportunity
    to promote your company to researchers.
    Please refer to the example of how to fill out on the same page.

 5. How can I delete my Hi-System account?
  –> Please follow the steps below:
    Log in to Hi-System – Click “ ___basic information” in the upper right corner of the screen. –>
    Click “Delete”

Common FAQs

 1. I fogot my Hi-System ID and password. What should I do?
  –> Please apply from a form of Hi-System “forgot your ID or password” on the login screen.
    Your ID and a link to reset your password will be sent to your registered address automatically.

 2. Is shared use of a login ID possible?
  –> It is a rule that “one ID per one researcher/company.”
   ◇ Researchers: It is not allowed to share a login ID.
   ◇Companies: If there are some users in a company, it is needed to share a login ID.

 3. What is the recommended operating environment?
  –> For using Hi-System safely, you are recommended to use the following browsers:
   - Windows : Google Chrome 39
          Safari 5.1.7
          Microsoft Edge 25e
    Note that Microsoft Edge “Internet Explorer mode” is not a recommended operating environment.
    Please note that some of the features of Hi-System might not be available for browsers
    other than those shown above.

 4. I am a Macintosh user and I’ve received a garbled e-mail sent from Hi-System.
  –> In some settings of an e-mail program, messages sent by Hi-System can be garbled.
    Please change the character encoding to enable conversion into Japanese.

 5. How can I inquire?
  –> You can send E-mail by clicking “Inquiries” on the top page of this website or “Contact”
    on the login screen. Please feel free to inquire.
   ◇ Hours: 8:30 – 17:00 on weekdays

 6. What are the password requirements for setting a login password?
  –> Your password must have more than 12 characters including uppercase and lowercase characters,
   numbers and symbols.
       *Set a password that contains all uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
       *Symbols that can be used ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ – + = { } [ ] | : ; < > ,.? /
       *Symbols that cannot be used [¥ (yen sign) ] [ “(double quotation mark) ] [ ‘(apostrophe) ]
        [ blank space ]