Event Information

Writing for Academic Journals (12/17) 【英語論文執筆セミナー】

This transferable skills seminar is targeted for researchers (MC, DC, PD, Faculty member/staff).
Seminar will be conducted in English and have two sessions, “Basic” and “Advanced”.
You can attend one or both session(s)!!

■ Outline (Basic 16:00-17:00)
1) Basics
-Writing clear and direct sentences
-Eliminating unnecessary words

2) Preparing your manuscript
-Deciding the submission type
-Identifying suitable target journals
-Finding suitable reference material

3) Avoiding common mistakes
-Unclear figures/tables
-Clear and precise language

4) Q&A Session

■ Outline (Advanced 17:15-18:30)
1) Preparing your manuscript
-The “writing process”
-Appropriate content for each section

2) Communicating effectively
-Stating the importance of your research
-Expressing the logic of your approach
-Emphasizing uniqueness
-Examples of weak and strong manuscripts

3) Increasing your chances of acceptance
-Writing an effective cover letter
-Common reasons for rejection
-Responding to reviewer comments

4) Q&A Session

■ Lecturer
Mr. Greg Adams / Managing Editor
FORTE Science Communications : Experts in Academic Papers

Mr. Greg Adams is the Manager of the Production Division at FORTE Science Communications in Tokyo.
FORTE is a global leader in STEM editing, translation, and publishing. Greg is a 15-year veteran of the science communications industry.
In the course of his career, he has edited a wide range of medical and technical papers that have been published in high-impact journals around the world. Based on his extensive experience in the academic publishing industry, ranging from the planning stage to the post-publication stage, Greg has provided practical training on the skills necessary to write research manuscripts to both young researchers and senior scientists at universities, hospitals, and research centers throughout Japan. In addition, he provides behavioral training and coaching in oral presentation skills for both small groups and large audiences.

■ Seminar date
2019/12/17 (Tue)
16:00-17:00 Basic
17:15-18:30 Advanced
*You can participate one or both session(s).

■ Place
Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Building, 2nd Floor Seminar Room #2

■ Target
Hokkaido University graduate students, postdocs and faculty members/staff

■ Application
12/13th (Fri.)

■ Maximum number of participants

■How to apply from Hi-System
Click on the following banner, then click “Apply” on the bottom of the page.

*You need to be registered on Hi-Systemv in advance.
If you are not, please go to Hi-System page in Front Office for Human Resource Education and Development homepage and register in Hi-System.
:For more details